Version Mistatch Email Print

  • 69

Apple sends the following email to every app's owner when we submit their app for approval:

From: iTunes Store <>

Dear developer,
We have discovered one or more issues with your recent delivery for "**App Name**". Your delivery was successful, but you may wish to correct the following issues in your next delivery:
Version Mismatch - Neither CFBundleVersion ['1.0.0'] nor CFBundleShortVersionString ['1.0.0'] in the Info.plist match the version of the app set in iTunes Connect ['1.0'].
If you would like to update your binary for this app, you can reject this binary from the Binary Details page in iTunes Connect. Note that rejecting your binary will remove your app from the review queue and the review process will start over from the beginning when you resubmit your binary.

The App Store team

This email is nothing to worry about. For some reason, Apple doesn't like the way we number our versions, but it has nothing to do with whether or not your app will be approved or how your app will function after it is approved. All this email means for you is that your app is making progress through the approval process!!

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