App Layout Print

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Working on your App Layout is all about design and function. It really comes down to what you want to give your users and how you want people to interact with your app.

Do you want more dynamic content functionality or more static content? You have to take some time and decide what you really want to accomplish with your app. Then let that drive how you lay out your app.

With 18 modules to choose from and the unending menu capabilities there are literally hundreds of ways you can choose to lay out your app so this article isn't going to give you the one way to do it. Depending on your context, you might need to take the design layout a completely different direction than another organization would.

It would actually be pretty cool if our users would populate this article's comments with the various ways and reasons you chose to layout your app the way that you did. This might spark some creative juices for others to give them some ideas of things they can do.

We will do a another article on a couple of different options you could try as "examples" but know that this topic is completely up to you.

Have at it! Share ideas that would be helpful to others!

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